The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80498   Message #1469882
Posted By: GUEST,Shanghaiceltic
25-Apr-05 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Cyril Tawney-RIP (21 April 2005)
Subject: RE: Obit: Cyril Tawney-RIP (21 April 2005)
This is very sad indeed.

My heartfelt condolances to Rosemary and the family.

His songs had very special meaning for me as he was a man of the navy and wrote many brilliant song about the navy which I could relate to.

I too was a tiffy and a submariner and I often catch myself singing "Lean and unwashed tiffy". I will sing it more often in memory.

I hope the RNBT Rep' at the Pearly Gates is waiting to open them for him.