The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80609 Message #1470216
Posted By: Chris in Wheaton
25-Apr-05 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: Chord Req: MINER'S LIFEGUARD
I'd like to do this song at our songcircle this weekend in honor of May Day. The Mudcat database says that the song is taken from Life is Like a Mountain Railroad, but it seems to me that it is closer to Calon Lan, which also seems to be the basis for Life is Like, even though the Miner's song seems to have written after Life is Like. Can anyone help with the song's chronology and especially recommend some good chords. I have been trying a lot of variations, but hoping for the traditional chords. Thanks, Chris in Wheaton