The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79735   Message #1470222
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
25-Apr-05 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Micca & catsPHiddle's Handfasting part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Micca & catsPHiddle's Handfasting part 2
There is just over 2 and a half weeks to go til the Handfasting and I was just going through the list of those who have confirmed they are coming and it looks as though there are going to be about 45 catters there plus about 30 of our friends who are not catters! It looks like it is going to be a mini festival with many people coming over on the Friday before for the session in the back bar of the Black Lion and there is the option for a die hard session on Sunday!

Starting to look forward to it all and the music and singing should be excellent!! We will have to make sure we take our camera and post some pictures here!