The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16027   Message #147084
Posted By: Lanfranc
09-Dec-99 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: Who Knows Where the Time Goes
Subject: Who Knows Where the Time Goes
For all those who wonder what all this Millennial blether is about, a few thoughts. (The reference to Sandy Denny's song was just to further confuse life!)

Blame it on a sixth-century monk called Dionysus Exiguous (Or Dennis the Little for non-Latin speakers).

The way I heard it, when the decision was made (by the church) to start the calendar from the birth of Christ, there was no concept (in European mathematics at least) of Zero. Thus there was no year zero. They'd got it wrong anyway, because, in all historical probability, Christ was born in what we would now refer to as 4BC.

Anyway, dear old Dennis carries the can to this day.

Given the number of Millennium projects that are running late, a last-minute change of mind from at least one Government is likely.

Oh, yes, another little wrinkle in the timeline continuum.

Years ending in 00 are not leap years, although divisible by 4, unless divisible by 400, thus 1900 wasn't, 2000 is and 1600 was (assuming the rule was in place then!)

Before we get too wound up about it, remember a more inclusive version of AD is CE (Christian Era) - the Jewish and Muslim faiths, to name but two, have their own Year zero (or one?!)

Is your computer Y3K compliant? Does it matter?

It's all relative.