The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15935   Message #147113
Posted By: bbc
09-Dec-99 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: bbc tooting her own horn
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn

You may have to take that profile to the gym or diet center to modify it--sorry! As for liam, I did receive your info, but am in the midst of an absolute killer week in my *real* life--getting ready for our 1st coffeehouse gig this coming Sat. pm, last rehearsals for the church choir Christmas cantata, & David's debut Thursday-Saturday in the high school production of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" (He's Erronius--although he's hardly ever wrong!). W/ the hair color, I've had a preview of him as an old man & he is really cute! It's a funny role & we have enjoyed the 2 dress rehearsals. Duane & I will be helping seve the refreshments at intermission the next two nights & then doing our own gig Saturday. I'm also supposed to be getting ready for Christmas--gifts, cards--*and* doing the regular stuff to keep us in food & clean clothes. Eeek!

Thanks for your kind words about the site. I am enjoying it & will do the best I can for you.

