The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80330   Message #1471429
Posted By: Sue the Borderer
26-Apr-05 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: May Day 2005
Subject: RE: May Day 2005
Great to hear about so many things happening, but seems there won't be anything in UPTON unless we make it happen.

Richard Hannah who organises the morris at Upton said "May day morning tends to happen by itself at Upton, anyone who feels strongly enough to do something, does it (eg one year nude dancing on the bridge)" Not an approach I'll be taking up.

Someone calculated for me that dawn at Upton on May 1st will be 'between 5.36 and 5.37am' (Surely they could have got it more accurate than that!) Anyone else got figures?

I aim to be under the bridge at 5.15am - and hope I wont be there on my own. Be nice to know who else plans on being equally crazy. Come and say 'hi' sometime. You'll find me under the bridge on Fri and Sat eve 6.00pm ish (with Herbaceous Border) and dancing with Exmoor Border all day. (Blue & pale greeny coloured tatters, black faces and very flowery bowler hats with pheasant pheathers)

I do have some 'possibles' from sources other than mudcat - and I'll keep working at it.

By the way LEADFINGERS according to my dictionary, nubile means 'marriageable' ..... is that what you're really after?