The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80643   Message #1471480
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Apr-05 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Rejoice!!!
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
I suppose there could be justification in moving this thread to the non-music side of the forum. Jerry didn't put it there, so I suppose he'd like us to talk about music.

We have songs to express all sorts of emotions, but I think most of our music tends to be on the dark side. Even when it's humorous, our humor tends to be cynical rather than joyful. We have lots of nice love songs, but most are not really joyful.

What are some examples of songs that express pure, wonderful, unmitigated joy?

Paul Simon's "59th Street Bridge Song" (Feelin' Groovy) comes to mind. I suppose I should hate myself for liking it, but Neil Diamon's "Cracklin' Rosie" is another that I've always liked for its sheer joyfulness.

Are there traditional songs that are joyful?

-Joe Offer, who's joyful most of the time-