The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80580   Message #1471499
Posted By: Gypsy
26-Apr-05 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ever wonder if you will end up old and a
Subject: RE: BS: Ever wonder if you will end up old and a
When i was feeling blue one afternoon, back when we were taking care of the mother in law (in our home, for 4 1/2 years) i called my mother. You see, we have no children to care for us in age, and if we did, wouldn't put that particular load on them anyway. Me darling mither, who knows all, had recently read that in the US, about 80 percent of the population dies in their own home, unassisted. I'll take the 20% odds of ending up in a convalescent home. Not EVERYONE needs care at the end. Or wants it.
Sinsull, yer son's brains are just about ripe. I bet there is a turnaround in the next 5 years or so. My twenties weren't a very bright decade, either.