The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80609 Message #1472335
Posted By: Chris in Wheaton
27-Apr-05 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: RE: Chord Req: MINER'S LIFEGUARDMiner's Lifeguard
Thanks for the help - appropriately confused for folk music. I'd like to do the Calon Lan version, since my ancestors came from Wales.
Splott Man - can you give me the chords that you use for Calon Lan?
It's not that I don't know there are chord changes, it just that I'm not enough of musician to count beats so I know where they go best - if I'm doing it for a sing-along, it would be nice to give them one version and then I'd try to stick to it --- I find song circles like certainty much more than I do.
We have the circle on Saturday, and I'd like to get some folks to go with me on Sunday (May Day) to the Haymarket Memorial at Forest Home Cemetary in Forest Park to sing "Joe Hill." They recently re-broadcast the history of Chicago on PBS here ("City of the Century" - worth seeing), and the part on the Haymarket martrys was very moving. Would be nice to do something in their memory - other tnan boycott Marshall Field's.