The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15955   Message #147249
Posted By: lamarca
09-Dec-99 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: TOTAL BS: Signs of Our Times
Subject: RE: TOTAL BS: Signs of Our Times
We have a recurring grafitti (grafittus?) on a railway bridge overpass over the Capital Beltway (the multilane highway that circles Washington, DC). Some wag painted this years ago - it gets painted over, then periodically someone puts it back.

As you're travelling east to west, counterclockwise, through Silver Spring, Maryland, the Mormon Temple starts looming in your vision on your right. It has multiple spires that look like needles or crystals, and is always illuminated so it shows up real good. Someone painted on the railway bridge


Some of my friends and I always had a sneaky desire to put emerald green Roscogels on the spotlights on the Temple...