The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80609 Message #1473132
Posted By: Chris in Wheaton
28-Apr-05 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: RE: Chord Req: MINER'S LIFEGUARDMiner's Lifeguard
Thanks, Mick and all - that's great help - what a great resource this is! Johnny Cash's versioni of Life is Like on the Circle III cd is really great, but we do Calon Lan for St. David's Day so I have that melody down, just have to work on the chords. My favorite Calon Lan is by Here Be Dragons - with the banjo - we're hoping that the lads may come to the Chicago Gaelic Fest this year - Mick, if you were able to come to the Gaelic Fest (they pay airfare, etc.), let me know if you put in an app, and our Welsh group can support you. Sain also know the Fest folk. Mick - I'll also have to drop over and get a copy of you doing it - looks like it's on the current cd - Dioch eto, Chris