The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1473141
Posted By: GUEST,Jim
28-Apr-05 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
Folks – adults have serious problems that most kids don't have. It's down to one particular form of paralysis, and it's called INHIBITION. It stops adults having fun in many ways, not least of which is singing, but it also includes other things like taking risks, experimenting, trying new experiences, being afraid of "looking a fool" etc.

Life's too short, and we need to enjoy it while we got it. As John Lennon said "Life's what's happening while you're making plans". This ain't no rehearsal.

When I was 17 I bust a leg playing soccer at school. My schooling took a serious nose-dive as I was 18 weeks out of the system at a critical stage in my "A" levels. No-one brought me any school-work to do whilst I was laid up, but I don't regret that. My Dad bought me a harmonica, and I learnt to play it loud to help me deal with the pain of a compound fracture starting to fix itself. Playing music was a part of my life from that point on. Later on I started playing guitar and then singing along to my favourite records in the early 60's. Eventually I plucked up courage to perform in local folk clubs, and now do regular gigs in local pubs and clubs.

I've lost count of the friends I've made through singing in public. There aren't enough days in the week for me – TV viewing has become a pastime fallback to be avoided on most evenings. TV is bad for you – going out and having fun is good for you. Singing is good for you. Living is good for you. Don't waste any more time. As we say here in Yorkshire "JFDI"!!