The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15935   Message #147360
Posted By: catspaw49
09-Dec-99 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: bbc tooting her own horn
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
It seems as though a Board Meeting may be a happening thing. Photo ops will be available and sound bytes as well. I would also expect some real bites as the board members are all well known to indulge in gluttony...just part of the layabout profile.

And I think we need to start calling Beebs "Toots" instead. Somehow it fits.

So Toots, I meant to ask...Why are you "seving" drinks? Did you mean sieving? If so, again, why? These are kids! Don't you think you could get something a little more pure? Well, wait a minute here....You probably meant save the refreshments. Again why? If you're going to have refreshments at all, you need to let the audience have them. How cheap!!! I'm incensed....preferably sandalwood. Oh well..........
