The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78229   Message #1473756
Posted By: Bobert
28-Apr-05 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Subject: RE: BS: *Strengthening* Social Security...
Well, well, well....

After two months of so-called town meetings where only Bushites were allowed to attend, "private accounts" just don't seem to be catchin' on with the American people who are fearfull, an rightly so, that what Bush & the Crooks are out to gut a program that helps millions of folks who would be in the street without it...

So, tonight, Bush will make a last ditch effort to convince the American people that a good ol' fashion Boss Hog fleecin' is in the workin' man's best interest when Bush will have the first press conference in about a year...

But, fir my Bushite friends, not to worry. He wouldn't do it without a room full of shills... Yeah, Gannon is gone but, hey, noone is gonna ask any real tough questions like:

"Ahhhh, Mr. President, if you feel so strongly about your proposed changes to the Social Security system then why is it that you wouldn't allow anyone who might have had even mild misgivings to particpiate in your town hall meetings?"

"Ahhhh, Mr. President, if you believe in democracy why are you a loowing such a effort by the Christain Right, the Department of Homeland Security and other a groups and agencies to shout down and scare of the progressive voice in America?"

"Ahhhh, Mr. President, if you feel so concerned about freedom and free elections, why is it that you have done everything in your power to allow for an election in the UNited States that has a paper trail?"

"Ahhhh. Mr. President.....

But these questions won't get asked...
