The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80723   Message #1474136
Posted By: kendall
29-Apr-05 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: Objections to 'The Motherf---er's Ball'
Subject: RE: Objections to 'The Motherf---er's Ball'
What's important here is context and intent. I was raised in an era where people did not use that kind of language out of respect to others peoples sensibilities. Now, it seems like no one cares about anyone but themselves, they have no respect for anyone INCLUDING themselves.
I never heard such language until I went into the service at the age of 19; where I listened to other servicemen use the most foul language at each other, and thought, "Someone is about to get hurt" but as it turned out they were just trying to gross each other out. Teenagers!
Interesting that those guys came from large cities, and many of them were foul mouthed, homophobic, anti semetic racists. By and large, the country boys were more careful about their language.
On the other hand, I learned a lot of new words in those 4 years.