The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80723   Message #1474161
Posted By: GUEST
29-Apr-05 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: Objections to 'The Motherf---er's Ball'
Subject: RE: Objections to 'The Motherf---er's Ball'
One thing is for sure. The hostility factor towards John would be much lower had he not been a newbie to a forum that despises newbies who post controversial things. Don't want to rock that complacency boat.

I am not all offended by the use of the 'naughty words'. But I'm deeply offended by the sexist nature of these crap songs, and can't for the life of me figure out why anyone thinks they are so valuable they must be "preserved". Ditto for racist crap songs.

However, the Mudcat impulse to censor that which 3 people don't like offends me even more. But it doesn't matter, because this place has an arbitrary censor in Joe Offer, who is so bloody inconsistent about the application of his personal censorship rules, it can make your head spin watching what he deletes, and what he doesn't.

If it makes you feel any better John, I too have been censored here for using the word fuck in a thread title. I was censored because I am an anon poster. The cries for you to be censored are because you are a newcomer. If you were "one of the gang" people would be defending your right to post here, instead of yelling at you to go home to your website, and stop offending them and their friends' dainty sensibilities.

As usual, Joe Offer is deciding not to censor that which he has previously censored. But Joe is a sexist jerk, even though he is quite beloved here in the forum. I'm guessing you will be safe enough to post here. But why the fuck would you want to come here for legitimate research is beyond me. This isn't much of a resource, and is rarely used by legitimate scholars anymore. Some here claim it has been used as such in the past, but I remain unconvinced about that. The DT is a bloody mess of a database, and the people here are really nothing more than a bunch of opinionated amateurs, posing as the real deal.

Good luck with your research here in Mudcat into the crap songs traditions.