The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80609 Message #1474243
Posted By: Chris in Wheaton
29-Apr-05 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: RE: Chord Req: MINER'S LIFEGUARDMiner's Lifeguard
Mick - I e-mailed your web site re your recording of the song. Did it get thru?
So did Calon Lan go to the US with the Welsh miners, then change to Life is Like and go back to Wales, then even though Miner's Life was written in Wales, some in Wales sang it to Calon Lan and others to Life is Like? What do Siwsan George's line notes say?
I think I heard the story was that Life is LIke was Tom Horn's favorite song and that he had it played for him before they hung him.
In How Green was My Valley - there is a scene where the boy is told to watch the payman closely when he weighs out the wages - implying he put his thumb on the paymen scale like the butcher to underpay - any truth to that? The LA Welsh Church choir sang in the movie and the church is still going, but, unfortunately reduced in number except for Gymanfas.