The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80733   Message #1475014
Posted By: GUEST
30-Apr-05 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: Objection to Bawdy Song Titles in Forum Menu
Subject: RE: Objection to JohnMehlberger
Smoke and screens! The 'proposed solution' will not solve the problem of the profanity in thread titles causing non-member posters from being denied access to the forum, if they are using computers in most libraries and schools.

I am a school librarian. I know whereof I speak. In a head up their asses ignorance of just how much profanity filtering is now done by libraries and schools (all kinds of schools, including colleges, universities, technical schools, etc), and how those filters will block user access to this website, the Mudcat pope hath decided that potential blocking of new users from the site is the price to be paid to protect the sacred rights of the Tittie Dittie man.

Let's hear it for the infallibility of the Mudcat pope.