The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15935   Message #147605
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Dec-99 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: bbc tooting her own horn
Subject: RE: bbc tooting her own horn
Once again, those in Hi-Tech often need Hi-Touch to balance their world and our good friend Mario is an excellent example!!!

And Toots, I'm sorry...Never thought of "serving" drinks. Sounds kinda' sloppy on the one end and dangerous on the other. Do you use a racket?.....And tell David the 'Catters are all applauding him too. Good luck on your gig...Report back to us on how things went...and try to watch Duane's diet beforehand. He's well known as a flatulator and I'd hate to see your performance ruined. Then again, you could bill yourselves as "Poots and Toots." Just a thought.
