The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3073   Message #14766
Posted By: Speed-1
15-Oct-97 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: John Denver
Subject: RE: John Denver
John Denver's legacy to Baltimore was "Thank G-d I'm a Country Boy" which was played at Orioles games during the seventh inning stretch. Orioles management decided to do away with it and replace it with "Take Me Out To the Ballgame" - a unique choice, hey? - and Orioles fans tried to revolt. John came here and played, but Edward Bennett Williams, the Orioles' owner, had his way. I hope the Orioles remember John Denver at the sixth game of the American League Championship Series.

John Denver's songs were easy to sing, easy to sing, and spoke volumnes in their simplicity. As we boomers are getting older, it would have been nice to have John's talent and perspective. He will be greatly missed. :^)
