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Thread #80807   Message #1476661
Posted By: GUEST
02-May-05 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Slaughter of Vietnamese
Subject: RE: BS: American Slaughter of Vietnamese
That's a pretty outrageous attempt to equate being curt and strident to other posters, to being violent.

Nice try, buy homey don't play that tune. I'm very clear, in both my convictions and my actions. Of course there are people taken aback by such plain, direct, and forthright stridency. But what I am doing isn't violence--not by any stretch of the imagination. I am not behaving any differently here than I would with my own family members who are former military who did active combat duty--and I have one brother-in-law--a Korean War vet--whom I go round with on a regular basis on this issue.

Actually, the men and women I've known who have served in the US military don't impress me one way or the other just because of military service. I don't buy that propaganda line. Nor do I feel I "owe" Vietnam vets or the post-Vietnam soldiers and vets who did active combat duty, any thanks--quite the opposite. They didn't murder in MY name, regardless of what the propaganda tells you.

And the current active duty soldiers engaged in the slaughter of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan are butchers too.