The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80605   Message #1476775
Posted By: Jess A
02-May-05 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: Rochester Sweeps sessions Mayday Weekend
Subject: RE: Rochester Sweeps sessions Mayday Weekend
yep, the sesison in the Gordon on Sat night was good fun if somewhat drowned out by the noise from the band out the back. btw it's Hekety (not Hegaty, but you get points for trying :) plus Crucible who are the main singing contingent. We were all there with Pecsaetan Morris. I'd been lurking on here last week John so it was me who said 'a-ha, are you John Barden?' quite late on on Saturday night.

Must say though that the Gordon Hotel (management thereof) were possibly the most unfriendly I've seen - they wouldn't let us shut any doors to keep the band from drowning out the session (noise levels were fine when the intervening doors were shut but the manager and bar staff kept opening them again and got increasingly grumpy about it every time we shut them even though we weren't blocking any access anywhere) and on Sunday they wouldn't give thirsty morris dancers any water either, even though we'd been buying their beer all weekend. Grrr!