The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80833   Message #1476918
Posted By: GUEST,Phillip P
03-May-05 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
I do not have any time for the Tories, Michael Howard or Tory Boy or whatever they call themselves.
I dislike intensely their attacks on immigrants and the whole nature of their mean-spirited campaign.
My problem is that if I do not vote Labour, there is a good chance Tories will win where I come from - but I will find it difficult to vote for Blair's party. I might do in the future, when he goes but now, it would hurt too much.
Voting neither Lab nor Con won't help either.
I had a look at the Lib Dem stuff but could find no mention of lifting people out of poverty and that is a clincher for me. They seem to be pale Tories round here.

I was thinking of putting my cross for Labour but writng NOT BLAIR on the voting slip but I don't know if that will count as a spoiled paper.
God, I've never been a Don't Know before.