The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80833   Message #1477184
Posted By: Micca
03-May-05 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
George, people say Blair lied about the war as if it is something NEW!!!!! They ALL lie, its what being a Politician is about!! They promise things they can't deliver so that we will elect them and lie in their teeth all the time, The Only reason the Lib Dems are being a bit "Honest" is they are hoping for MORE POWER out of it and if the get it they will be corrupted by it. I just think, in the main, the ordinary voter gets a better deal from Labour than Conservative but I am with Avrell Harriman " The desire to be elected to office should bar you from standing"

" Power corrupts and absolute Power corupts absolutely"