Well, Bonnie, you see Rich has a severe inferiority complex (i.e. stupidbohdranplayer, etc.'). You should hear some of the terrible jokes that are made about bodhran players -- and I personally will 'come out of the closet' right here in front of everybody and admit that I'm one too!! So there -- sling away ye slingers of vile arrows!!Oooohhh -- I feel so much better now that my 'secret' is out. I play harmonica and pennywhistle too -- and they tell jokes about those too. I think all this teasing is just that, Bonnie, teasing. My husband played the trombone in high school and the jokes he can repeat turn my ears red! So, there ya go -- if it gets too bad you can hit 'em on the head with your banjo case!!
-- Áine