The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80833   Message #1477867
Posted By: The Shambles
04-May-05 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
Subject: RE: BS: MARGINALS: We're winning (UK)
good to see shambles supporting the party that brought us PEL laws, Way to go shambles, not as an important an issue to you as I thought obviously, Cllr

A party political approach to the Licensing Act 2003 issue will not provide us with much solace.

The Tories opposed the new Act because they were the oppositition and had to - but as usual did not really provide much of an alternative. Have you seen the Tories mention it in this run-up?

The Lib Dems peers were the ones most to blame - for if they had actually voted with the Tories (having supported them up to that point)- this would have killed the Licensing Act 2003. They did the Lib Dem thing by still talking against the Bill but voting with the Government.

This is not much of an excuse for Labour rushing to introduce such a piss-poor Act - but there is a possiblity that if the effect on live music does prove to be as harmful as many of us fear - that the Powers within the Act itself - will allow the Secretary of State to tweak the Act. That is what has been promised - anyway....*Smiles*