The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80910   Message #1478043
Posted By: John Hardly
04-May-05 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: PBS under attack
Subject: RE: BS: PBS under attack
Moyers is not objective. Do you really think there's even a remote possibility that Moyers votes Republican? Ever?

All who are involved in news and commentary (on PBS or NPR for that matter) come from positions. They're human. Most come from the left. All the hard news comes from the left. Even if there is an attempt at the appearance of "objectivity" by virtue of having an opinion expressed from the right as well as from the left, it is still the left that controls the programming, the questions, what stories are covered, what stories are spiked.

I'm not "threatened" by objectivity. I listen to both. I enjoy PBS and NPR but I'm as aware of their position while watching them as you might be if you ever decided to take a gander at FOX.

There is power to be had in projecting the illusion of objectivity. It has been news programming's stock-in-trade for a very long time. I don't think any news organization should be able to trade on that illusion. I think the curtain should be drawn and the light let in so that everyone knows up front that Moyers is equally biased as Brit Hume (for instance).