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Thread #77868   Message #1480491
Posted By: GUEST,brucie
08-May-05 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pax Americana Kills More Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: Pax Americana Kills More Iraqis
Canada exports asbestos. Here are some US exports:

Year Country Details
1946 Japan Obtained results of wartime biological experiments from Japan after promising immunity from prosecution.
1950 Bahamas Spraying of toxic bacteria for testing.
1951 Marshall Islands Testing of Hydrogen Bomb.
1952 Korea Biological (plague, anthrax and encephalitis) and chemical (napalm) warfare.
1953 Canada Chemical tests (zinc cadmium sulphide) in city.
1954 Marshall Islands Testing of Hydrogen Bomb.
1958 Turkey
Greece Nuclear weapons installed in a country bordering the USSR.
1962 Vietnam Use of Agent Orange, a defoliant which contains dioxin which is carcinogenic (cancer producing).
1962 Cuba Use of chemical contaminants to sabotage the country's sugar and turkey exports.
1965 Vietnam Use of agent orange (cancer producing defoliant) and flesh burning napalm.
1968 Vietnam Use of flesh burning napalm.
1968 Marshall Islands Human aftermath of nuclear testing.
1969 Korea Agent Orange (carcinogenic defoliant) used extensively; Chemical training given to other countries.
1970 Vietnam Agent Orange used extensively; CS Gas sprayed, killing thousands; cyanide, arsenic, napalm and naphthalene used.
1970 Laos Sarin nerve gas used against villages - also affects USA soldiers.
1971 Cuba Pigs infected with African Swine Fever.
1975 Vietnam Human aftermath of Agent Orange used.
1980 Cuba Attempt to infect Cuba with bacteria.
1988 Iraq Export of biological and chemical agents to a regime that gasses civilians.
1989 Panama Village sprayed with gas during invasion.
1991 Iraq Deliberate bombing of nuclear facilities; use of weapons tipped with depleted Uranium, a hard but radioactive metal; civilians napalmed; use of sarin nerve gas.
1994 USA USA soldiers exposed to nuclear, biological and chemical agents around the world.
1996 Cuba Anti-crop insect sprayed over Cuba.
1997 USA Refusal of USA to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons (signed by over 100 countries).
1998 South Africa Encouragment of South Africa's apartheid regime to develop chemical and biological weapons.
1999 USA Refusal of USA to sign a treaty banning nuclear tests.
1999 Panama USA military tests chemicals like Agent Orange, mustard gas, VX, sarin and cyanide in Panama.
2001 Iraq Human aftermath of 96,000 depleted Uranium shells dropped on Iraq since 1991.
2001 USA Unilateral USA withdrawal from missile and biological treaties.
2003 Iraq Effects of depleted Uranium used in Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War. Declaration that it will be used again in the 2003 invasion.
2003 Iraq Use of depleted Uranium.
2003 Iraq Use of napalm near Baghdad.
2003 USA and others Storage of nuclear weapons in the USA and other countries.
2003 Colombia Toxic spraying.
2004 Iraq Use of napalm in Fallujah.
2005 Vietnam Legal case about the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Yep. Canada exports asbestos.