The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81013   Message #1480864
Posted By: CarolC
09-May-05 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: accordion & mayonnaise
Subject: RE: accordion & mayonnaise
I think the genre is called "style (pronounced 'steel') musette". Musette also refers to a type of reed voice on an accordion as well as a kind of bagpipe-type instrument.

The continental European music is definitely some of my favorite. Although if I had a seduction dinner that was to be accompanied with Style Musette music, I don't think it would include mayonnaise. Warmed brie, a nice crusty French bread, some nicoise olives, a very light tossed salad with green leafy lettuces, and hazlenut oil and champagne vinegar dressing (with freshly ground salt)... I guess that would do it. You don't want to put anything too heavy in your stomach right before going into the swimming pool.
