The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81049   Message #1481503
Posted By: GUEST,Raggytash
10-May-05 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Complaints versus Mudslinging
Subject: RE: BS: Complaints versus Mudslinging
The paying public has a right to expect the paid perfomer to deliver the goods, over the years going back to the 60's when I first frequented folk clubs various perfomers have been noted for one or more of the following, failure to turn up for gigs, drunkeness on stage, abusive nature, rabid egotism etc etc
Now in an era where such information can be freely exchanged via the net, is it wrong to share it, do the paying public have a right to know in advance that certain individuals may not turn up, or may be drunk or may be intensely self centred and thus have the opportunity to "vote with their feet" and avoid such situations. I believe they do, I for one would not attend a concert if there was a strong possibility that all I would witness was a drunked wretch on stage unable to play their instrument or remember the words of their songs, I have better things to do with my money