The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73459   Message #1481595
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-May-05 - 09:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Subject: RE: BS: Magenta Bites Back - a vampire tail
Jimmy was staring into the fire with that faraway look he got sometimes.

"Woop Woop," he said.

"Whaddya mean, 'woop woop'?" said Chongo. "I know what 'woop woop' means when a chimp says it, but in your case I ain't sure..."

"Your Magenta, she is in Woop Woop," replied Jimmy.

Chongo frowned. Must be some weird Aussie expression. "Is that good or bad?"

"I don't know," said Jimmy. "But I think it's good. She is soaking her feet and enjoying herself."

"No kiddin'? So what do we do now? Do you know where she is?"

"I told you. Woop Woop."

"Woop Woop is a place?"

"Yes, a very small place. It's 3 hours north from here."

"Well, why didn't ya say so? Let's get movin'!" Chongo started gathering up their gear.

In two minutes flat they were heading north at a good clip, leaving a big dust cloud behind them.

It didn't take Chongo too long to notice that there was a similar dust cloud following them, a few miles back. Interesting.