The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80168   Message #1482598
Posted By: Lizzie in beautiful Sidmouth
11-May-05 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth - Positive
Subject: RE: Sidmouth - Positive
Dear 'Guest Phil',

Are you a Sidmouth Worrier, or a Sidmouth Warrior?

I think you a Worrier! I do! ;0)

Now myself and loads of other people on this thread are all Sidmouth fact we've almost got our very own tribe together! You can join us if you'd like. It's great fun! We battle through insults and slice through doubt, we duel with dragons and wrestle with witches! We've seen off all sorts of miseries and moaners, we've hurled our swords of light at The Princes and Princesses of Darkness......all for one reason and one reason only.....SIDMOUTH! :0)

Now it seems to me that all those who truly want to come to Sidmouth will make sure they are here for the First week of August and nothing, but nothing will keep them away! It really is that simple. Absolutely no stress involved at all. All these fine Warriors will soon be heading down to this little town here in Devon, from all parts of the Country because they BELIEVE in Sidmouth and what is has always stood for, what it still stands for.

None of us expected it to be here a few months back, but it is! None of us expected 2006 to be considered, but it is! None of us ever thought that people would come back, but they are! None of us thought the town would want the Festival again, but it does! None of us thought the rats would leave so quickly and 'new blood' would come pouring into the shops, but they have!

And so, if you think that in the middle of May you should start to cast doubt on Sidmouth being'll have to get through all of us first! For The Sidmouth Warriors have put a protective light around this Folk Week, which nothing and no-one is going to break through!

Still, if it will make you happy to go to Broadstairs or Cambridge instead, you go. Mind you, they might be filled with other Worriers and your holiday could be totally ruined through An Agony of Angst and Sidmouth fact you could end up in need of Serious Anti-Angst Therapy! All those people wandering around looking at The Sidmouth Folk Week leaflets. I can almost hear the sobs from here....

"Oh Woe is us....we've let it go! Oh woe, woe and thrice woe....Sidmouth IS happening!!! If only we'd listened...if only we'd had faith....if only...if only......!"

And there we'll all be in Sidmouth, in The Marquee watching loads of top acts, in The Bedford Hotel listening to all the sessions, in Dukes Hotel watching all the acts there and the Manor Pavillion, the Late Night Extras, the Ceilidhs and so many other things.....having a great time.

However, if you'd like to leave your name and address, The Sidmouth Warriors will send you a postcard from Sidmouth Folk Week so you can see what you're missing! They do some great cards down in Fords, where the photograph shop is. Would you prefer a picture of the seafront filled with Morris Dancers and Musicians, one of The Bowling Green, (I wonder if the Annual Sidmouth Streaker is going to turn up this year and give us his usual 'Display Amongst The Bowls!)....or a lovely picture of The Sidmouth Fiddler, up in Connaught Gardens?

Just let me know and I'll sort it all out for you Phil my dear....and remember, wherever you spend your holipops....relax and try not to worry too much. You may decide to go to all sorts of other Festivals but there'll not be one to touch Sidmouth Folk Week this year! ;0)

Lots of Love

Lizzie :0)

PS: Don't'll always be welcome to join us...I have a spare sword....a blue light saber to be precise...come and be a Jedi/Siddy Knight Phil, you know you really want to! ;0)

May The Folk Week Force Be With You! :0)