The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81101   Message #1483360
Posted By: Lanfranc
12-May-05 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Run ins with established performers
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
Many is the folksinger who has taken bed and board at various Francis Towers over the years, and, apart from the associated reduction of my Scotch stocks on occasion, all experiences have been positive.

Most of my friends and fellow organisers have been equally happy with their temporary famous (or notorious) guests, but there was one occasion when a rather large singer and musician (not me!), woke in the night feeling hungry. So he went down to the kitchen, opened the 'fridge, and consumed most of the food that had been prepared for a child's birthday party the next day. He was most apologetic the next morning - he said that he thought he had just stumbled on a well-stocked larder - but that didn't help the lady of the house, who had to make another batch of kiddy-friendly grub in short order.

They (more likely, she) could never be persuaded to put a guest artist up ever again!
