The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81102   Message #1483730
Posted By: GUEST,Fear Friday the 13th
12-May-05 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: paraskevidekatriaphobia
Subject: RE: Folklore: paraskevidekatriaphobia
Brave and educational posts one and all, but I see that there are few who have dared to share their personal superstitions. Eggs shells turn to witches boats? I had not heard that one. Could the question be too revealing to answer? Perhaps. How about sharing some that you've heard about within the region that you are from? There seem to be many ways to jinx or hex yourself in Japan.

What about recurring dreams? Do they have significance, or is it simply superstitious to believe in them and allow them to guide or sway your decision making, as someone who chooses to avoid walking under that ladder?

Wolfgang, that link did not get me to the lyrics.