The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81102   Message #1483779
Posted By: SINSULL
12-May-05 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: paraskevidekatriaphobia
Subject: RE: Folklore: paraskevidekatriaphobia
Shoes on the table - Nana Sullivan would have a fit. Makes sense if you think about it but I can't even put new shoes in a box and a bag on the table.

I have never learned to whistle. My brothers were forbidden to teach me. "The crow of a hen and the whistle of a woman wakes the devil from his lair" - Nana Sullivan.

Guests NEVER go in the front door and out the back. They take good luck with them. You guessed it - Nana Sullivan.

Never give a knife without a coin. It cuts the blade and prevents injury - Nana.

Never give a wallet or purse without a coin - bad luck, Nana Sullivan.

Feel a shiver down your back? Someone is walking on your grave. - Nana.

Hit your mother? That hand will rise from the grave when you are buried and everyone will know.- Nana. My cat Fred is not impressed by the vision of his little paws forced to endure rain and snow and sleet for scratching me or Alice. SIGH. It worked on me.