The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81102   Message #1484292
Posted By: Azizi
13-May-05 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: paraskevidekatriaphobia
Subject: RE: BS: Paraskevidekatriaphobia
"I'm not superstitious - think it is unlucky to be."

That was a good one, Mr. Red!


And personally, I have no problems with the number 13 as 'numerologically' speaking number 13 adds up to the number 4 [1+3=4]and 4 is half of 8 and I consider all numbers that add up to number 8 to be lucky for me but especially number 17.

And, BTW, I don't consider myself to be at all supersitious. I like to think that I'm in tune with the Force.

And may the Force be with you, too..

Ah! The number two-Now that's another number that I'd like to talk about too-but it would be off subject so I won't go there this time-but maybe at 2PM.

Naw. I got other things to do -especially since a 'Catter {whose name I won't mention but it starts with a "J" and she's married to a 'Catter whose name starts with a "K"} told me the other day that I needed to get a life.

So I'm outta here, lookin for life.

Ms. Azizi