The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81182   Message #1484880
Posted By: Abby Sale
14-May-05 - 09:00 AM
Thread Name: Did Marx Say this?
Subject: RE: Did Marx Say this?
I don't know, either but I do know that he held the notion that Hunting and gathering = primitive communism. I'm pretty sure he went further in this too declare that all primitive societies essentially practiced communism. It became a commonly accepted notion at the time.

Of course, he was dead wrong in this but anthropology hadn't advanced enough as a science to have cross-society studies available.

I've never heard of any primitive society in which any goods were held by the "state" although communalism (common ownership) was fairly common. Also, Karl never heard of all the primitive societies that were essentially capitalistic - especially in micronesia. And, if the term is loosly use, Australia as well. (Wives equalling money there in a very real sense.)

Well, I too, would personally rather read Graucho. The Graucho Letters seriously influenced my life and philosophy for dealing with large institutions and government. Still does.