The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81139   Message #1485289
Posted By: Ron Davies
15-May-05 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert v. Martin Gibson Pickers Duel....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert v. Martin Gibson Pickers Duel....
This "duel" will never happen, particularly at a Getaway.

1) As a gutless wonder in good standing, realizing that his own guitar prowess is in fact questionable in such company, and with paranoid fantasies to boot, "Martin Gibson" will never show. Consider the facts that he has somehow never managed to summon the courage to stand behind anything he has ever said with his real name, that he whines to higher authority about alleged impersonation of him-- (why anybody would want to is an unanswered question)-- and that he suspects either Bobert or me to be behind anonymous postings he doesn't like. With his delightful attitudes, he no doubt is afraid that some of his teeth might be handed to him (he may not place much credence in folkie pacifism).

2) Since his musical tastes and knowledge are as broad as his attitudes on other subjects, he has no interest in any kind of folk music but bluegrass.

As I noted in another thread, Dry Branch Fire Squad, which combines good solid traditional bluegrass with a wicked dry sense of humor, has a lead singer named Ron Thomason, an English teacher in fact. Ron once observed "We believe in aggressive ignorance in bluegrass music".

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A, "Martin Gibson".