The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79735   Message #1485358
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
15-May-05 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Micca & catsPHiddle's Handfasting part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Micca & catsPHiddle's Handfasting part 2
Just back from the pub where most of us were on soft drinks...apart from Micca, Manitas and Pixieofdoom....they're 'ard you know!!!

It was an absolutely wonderful day and I am so honored to know you all.

When we were cutting the cake Everyone stood sang for us...what a wonderful sight and sound. After that Micca sang The Way You Look Tonight to was beautiful and there was not a dry eye in the room!!

Thank you to CARA for travelling down from oop north to play for everyone...they are brilliant. If you haven't heard them they are a must!!

The singing was great as were the outfits!

A big Thank You to Limpit you who was my bridesmaid and hand maiden. She looked like a Princess and did an outstanding job!!

Another Big Thank You to Mrs Duck for making the very alcoholic cake!!! It was gorgeous.

We didn't manage to take any pictures but I am sure some others will post theirs soon...there were alot of camera's flashing!

Thank you to all that came to celebrate and thank you for the many gifts. I was hoping to write to everyone personally to say thank you but there were just so many of you there I don't know where to start!

Hope to see some of you at The Yorkshire Gathering next weekend.

Khatt x