The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16103   Message #148577
Posted By: Lotusland
12-Dec-99 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Martin Carthy - general discussion
Subject: RE: Martin Carthy
Re: What songs to recommend to the NPRers: "Byker Hill" -- you'd have to be stone deaf not to be blown away by it. (He's a hard pitch to make to NPR, btw, they prefer to highlight Americans and when I worked there "folk" was a dirty word. Mountain Stage and Prairie Home Companion were aways described as "Variety" while Thistle was, of course, always "Celtic."

As far as Lonnie Donnegan, goes, his big hit was "Rock Island Line" and he was no Leadbelly (nor did he pretend to be). Donnegan's recordings sound very dated.

The Carth Rules!