The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81258   Message #1486679
Posted By: Folkiedave
17-May-05 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Galloway tears them to shreds
Subject: RE: BS: Galloway tears them to shreds
Well, America said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, Galloway said they didn't.

America said that the fall of Bagdhad was the end of the war - Galloway said it was just the beginning.

America said that the people of Iraq would greet the invasion of Iraq with open arms - Galloway said they wouldn't.

Galloway pointed out that the people who really benefitted from the oil for food programme were largely American companies. (try Bayoil). The biggest contributor to his charity was the King of Saudia Arabia and one of the Emirs, they are friends of America so they don't get much of a mention.

Americans torture and ignore human rights. (Guantanomo). Americans invaded a Commonwealth country (Grenada). Americans dropped chemical weapons on Vietnam. Americans overthrew an elected regime in Chile and handed it over to a mass murderer and who killed and tortured people.
Americans sold arms to Saddam.......etc. etc. etc. etc.

Just so George knows what he is dealing with as far as Americans are concerned. But I suspect he did.

The fact is that the Committee had no evidence and had they dared repeat the allegations outside privilege they would have lost every penny they collectively owned. George has become rich sueing and winning.
