The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16140   Message #148696
Posted By: GeorgeH
13-Dec-99 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: Apologies . .
Subject: Apologies . .
If I've ignored something significant of yours, or dropped out of an argument/discussion with you. Time is pressing at the moment (unlikely to improve, too!) so I'm only managing to dip into Mudcat. If you feel there's a reply of yours that I really ought to acknowledge then please feel free to point me at it via a "personal message" or an email [george dot hawes at san dot com].

And while on the apologies kick - equally, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone at any point. It seems to me that Mudcat is a set of arguments/discussions between friends, and while I'm inclined to be forthright in how I set out my opinions (sorry, I don't see the point in hedging views with an excess of pretty decorations, or - most of the time - merely hinting at what I want to say). Even if I accuse you of talking nonsense that's an attack on what you've said, not on you yourself. And I'm all too aware I've spouted my own share of nonsense in my time!

Regards and - in case I forget - seasons greetings to all those who welcome being greeted seasonally at this time of year!

With love and respect,
