The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81139   Message #1487011
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-May-05 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert v. Martin Gibson Pickers Duel....
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert v. Martin Gibson Pickers Duel....
I think we're all aware that nobody need either post to or read a given thread.

That said:


You're absolutely right about credibility on Mudcat-- you just can't believe everything you read here, can you?

Now let's see--on Mudcat you've told us you live in a million-dollar house; you've given wonderful market advice (such as buying "mature" (read: rotting) stocks.....Walmart--to pick a purely theoretical example); you've just gotten a promotion and a raise; you can play uncounted numbers of instruments (and all at the same time, of course)---though you're obsessed with just one instrument, something called the "skin flute", whatever that is--but it must be your true virtuoso instrument.

You have a nice gig lined up; you're working on a new demo----and the list goes on.

I'm sure it's all absolutely true--- (even though it actually seems questionable that you can get along with people enough to even be in a group of any kind--your advice, that it's more important to play with people rather than compete, rings strangely hollow coming from you--I wonder why.)

Nonetheless I'm absolutely sure every bit of it is completely true.

And even if it isn't, it makes your life easier to accept. So that's good. We all want you to be happy.

But please, you really do need to go back on your thorazine (or whatever they have you on.)

And what did you say you got a medical discharge from the military for?