The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81275   Message #1487040
Posted By: Rasener
18-May-05 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: Cyril Tawney at Market Rasen FC 20/5/05
Subject: In Memory Cyril Tawney at Market Rasen FC 20/5/05
Friday May the 20th 2005

"In memory of Cyril Tawney"

The Artists appearing and offering their services free are

John Conolly

Shanty Jack


It will be held at
Faldingworth Village Hall
Near Market Rasen

All proceeds will go to Diving Diseases Research Centre as requested by Rosemary Tawney.

Entrance fee £5
Doors open 7:45pm for a start of 8:15pm until 11:00 - 11:15pm
Bring your own drinks and food and candles.

The evening will have a Cyril Tawny feel to it, but that does not mean that all the songs will be from songs written by Cyril.

I look forward to seeing lots of people for this event.

If you can't park in the Village Hall, then 20 yards away on the opposite side of the road is the school car park. Please leave disability parking spaces free for people who need them.
The above website has the old venue on. I am in the process of updating.

Les Worrall