The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9728   Message #148757
Posted By:
13-Dec-99 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: Wassail ? What is it ...
Subject: RE: Wassail ? What is it ...
Anyone Have the lyrics to the "Kipper Family Wassail"

the available snippet is:

The Kipper Family used to do a wonderful wassailling song. Here's a snippet:

Wassail Wassail I'll tell yer wassail,

It comes in bottles brown and pale,

It comes in bottles so bring some here

And we'll have a happy new year

Here we come a wassailling all amongst the leaves

Which isn't very easy when they're still all on the trees

Wassail etc.

Pouring cider on the apple tree seems rather wrong

We'll drink it first and then we'll water the trees before too long.

Wassail etc.

Many thanks in advance for your kind assistance.
