The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81258   Message #1488821
Posted By: dianavan
20-May-05 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Galloway tears them to shreds
Subject: RE: BS: Galloway tears them to shreds
Americans should be embarrassed! It took a Scotto call a spade a spade! The Democrats just sit around picking their noses while Galloway walks in and gives them an earful. Good on him, I say. What American has that kind of backbone? I sure haven't seen any evidence of that.

I especially liked, 'The biggest sanctions busters were American companies "with the connivance" of the US Government, he argued. \'

And the U.S. has the audacity to point fingers at Kofi Annan and Galloway! Before they go accusing others on the basis of heresay, they should start investigating their own! There's plenty of proof of that.

Give em shit, Galloway!