The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3102   Message #14897
Posted By: Moira Cameron
17-Oct-97 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: Women's Work Songs
Frankie Armstrong is an excellent source for traditional women working songs. She has recorded several such songs. One that springs to mind is a version of "The Factory Girl". Another song I like a lot is one I call the Fisherwife's lament. I learned it from my father, so I'm not sure of the original title. In this song, the woman laments because of how her husband's work affects their relationship, but she also tells of how she is expected to help him by mending the nets when he comes home.


All the week your man's awa', all the week, you bide your lame.
All the time you're waiting for the minute that he's coming hame.
And ye ken the way he has tae wark, and you ken the hours he has tae keep,
But still it makes ye angry when ye see him just come hame tae sleep.

Through the months and through the years, whilst your bringing up the bairns,
Your man's awa' tae here and there, followin' the shoals o' herrin.
And when he's home there's nets tae mend; ye've maybe got a score or twa',
And when they're done he'll rise and say, "Wife, it's time I was awa'."

Work and wait and dream awa', and put your hope in herrin's sail;
And often lie awake at nicht in fear and dread o' winter gales.
But man maun work tae gain his feed, and woman maun work tae gain their fee.
A fisherman will aye gang out, as long as fish swim in the sea.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 6-Feb-02.