The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81310 Message #1490936
Posted By: Liam's Brother
22-May-05 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: Ireland - Cobh Maritime Song Festival
Subject: RE: Ireland - Cobh Maritime Song Festival
Hi Chanteyranger!
My understanding is that only the festival in Liverpool is timed to a particular weekend based on the tides along the Mersey and the need to open the dock gates to the river at certain times of the day. Cobh, like Mystic, could move a week in either direction depending on other considerations. All fall on the same weekend this year.
It is a nice line-up as Radriano mentions above. I am sorry to miss seeing you at Mystic this year. Good luck.
Nothing settled yet but I have been asked back to the Statue for the Summer.