The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81342   Message #1491124
Posted By: freda underhill
23-May-05 - 06:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Advice Sought -How to Hijack a Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Advice Sought -How to Hijack a Thread
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery..

"The night was dark. Guantanamo Bay is no picnic. One o'clock in the morning and the prison stood cold and empty but for me. Half asleep in my big chair in front of CNN I kicked myself upright, deciding that the couch would be more comfortable than sitting here trying to stay awake. As I prepared for bed I noticed that all the prisoners were quiet tonight. Not happy, that was for sure. We had been desecrating the Koran today and there had been a lot of screaming prisoners. Just one prisoner was missing. I hadn't seen him since dinner time and that last meetng hadn't gone well. He had told me that I would be flushed like the proverbial Koran.

"I shrugged and then smiled at the notion of shrugging when there was none to see. I put my feet up. I froze. Somewhere deep in the guard house a toilet had flushed."