The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80607   Message #1491662
Posted By: GUEST,Jcd
23-May-05 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: BNP broadcast folk song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: BNP broadcast folk song
David, thankyou for your responses. I have read them and as you know I won't be agreeing with them, for the following reasons -

Your party cites multi culturalism as failing. And your justification for this belief is the current rise in black on black crime. I agree that it is an area of concern, it was I that pointed it out, but it is not indicative of the behaviour of the majority of African/Carribean people. It is a statistic that represents a minority. Would you wish the UK to be judged on the actions of the mindless minority on the football terraces?

You state that rising white male violence is a product of their being under valued etc etc....the same applies to black males. Colour is not the reason David, if so, both groups would not be experiencing the same rise in violence.

There is not just one factor that can be seen as the cause of rising violence within our society. But a number of contributing factors. Unemployment and poverty are the two main reasons for it's rise. These are social issues, that stem from peoples social standing, not their colour.

Currently black females are entering higher education at a higher rate than their white peers. And proportionally they are leaving higher qualified, than their white peers.

Black African males are amongst the most highly qualified of our ex students, yet they have a higher rate of unemployment on leaving educational institutions. Discrimination does already exist in the work place, institutional and otherwise. The Stephen Lawrence report makes good reading, as I am sure you know.

Is it any wonder that black people as a group feel under valued and lack self esteem? They have already been made to feel marginalised and are unable to compete on a level playing field. Now you can either take the view that they don't deserve the same rights as whites, or you can take the view that they are being treated unfairly. It all depends on whether you believe colour should be reason enough to bar individuals success. You take the former view, whereas I take the latter.

It was the Thatcher led Governments that chose to dismiss the findings of the Scarman and Swann reports. They both recommended that a broader multi cultural curriculum would be the key factor in eliminating future prejudice and the problems stemming from that. They both recognised that the children of the immigrants so warmly welcomed to our shores in the 40'sand 50's, were being excluded in the education system. Their specific needs were not being met and their potential not being recognised. These issues are now being addressed. People need role models to aspire to and more black teaching professionals are entering the school system, albeit slowly.

The police force has obvious self created problems, and they need to address them if they wish to attract black serving officers. Until people feel they have a role within organisations, they will not be inclined to join them.

It is totally ludicrous to use the example of one murder at the Notting Hill festival (attended by approx 1.5 million people) as an example of multi culturalism failing. Harold Shipman murdered how many people, do you therefore advocate white male doctors being barred from practising?

You state that 'these' multi cultural festivals start and end in violence. Which ones do you have in mind? How many have you canvassed at? The crime figures do not tally with your preconcieved perceptions of reality.

You say that any political party with a membership from working class people will include many with past convictions. That is insulting to working class people. The BNP always has and always will ( maybe) attract the criminal element that no other party would be proud of or tolerate. It is your leadership where these convictions are the most worrying, except realistically they are not worrying in themself, as you will never be a major power or threat to society. A group of scared people huddling together and preaching hate will always be pitiful, but the damage that you can do to individuals is where the harm lies. It is bullying David.

Which of Nick Griffins opinions do you not support? And have you challenged him on these opinions? How can you claim to have expelled those guilty of 'disgusting utterings' when you follow a man who has made a career from them? I would be really interested to know exactly which opinions he holds that you do not share. And the blanket statement you offered as an answer to that, will not really suffice. Read through Brucie's posts, they contain some of Nick's finest, which of those views precisely do you not share?

You state that you would have no objection to family from 'overseas' joining their family already living does that fit in with your ban on future immigration?

You asked when were the British people asked if they wished to be part of a multi cultural society. I would answer that they were given the opportunity in our last general election to show their feelings on that one. If they all believed/thought as you do, the BNP wouldn't have lost so many deposits. You recieved approx 0.75% of the vote. They didn't vote to support your policies then, that was when they were asked.

Which mp's were you thinking of when you called them perverts? And how is their behaviour perverse?

And as you point out the BNP are 'obviously' not helping third world countries, but the highly qualified medical professionals that we are lucky to have in our midst can send money to their families and in that way can help them also secure a future possibly not available otherwise. Would you refuse life saving treatment from a black doctor? Of course not. If the education system has failed those born and bred in the UK, to the extent where they were unable to gain the qualifications needed, how do you suppose the overseas medics gained them?

Yes David we have many problems at the moment in the UK, but segregation and exclusion are the cause, not the solution. If you genuinely wanted to help in the democratic process towards alleviating our problems, you would be allying yourself with those who are seeking workable solutions, not alienating yourselves within an organisation that wields no power.